Samstag, 12. Januar 2013

Epilieren - Here is how to remove your hair

Hey ihr Lieben :-)
Wie versprochen diese Woche noch ein Video von mir. Diesmal Tipps zur Haarentfernung mit dem Epilierer. Bilder der Produkte findet ihr im Verlauf des Posts, da das Video nur auf Deutsch ist, aber hier nur noch mal die englische Erklärung.
Viel Spaß, ich freue mich auf euer Feedback <3

Hey guys :-) 
I uploaded a video on how epilate your hair. As I did not get any English comments so far, I did not put subtitles on this. Let me know if you want them. In the following you find a brief description on how to epilate your hair. Have fun!

1. You should start epilating now in January if you have never done it before, to see if your skin gets along well with it or not. 
You should probably not epilate if you have very thick hair and very sensitive skin.

2. My epilator can be used dry or with water. You need to find out what is best for you. I do it dry. It came along with venus razor blades, so you can remove all hair with one stroke because they get either epilated or cut. I did not like the idea too much, but it is worth a try if epilating hurts you a lot or if you don't have a lot of time. 

3. Always epilate with an 90° angle. Otherwise you can break your hair or simply pull it off. So also when it hurts and you want to get the epilator away from your skin, do so in a 90° angle!!

4. Before epilating you should peel your skin. Hair can grow under your skin if you don't remove dead skin party before. Still it can happen from time to time as some people are more likely to have growing in hair than others. If you have them all the time, better stop epilating as they can cause scars :-/. 

5. Some people use ice after epilating, I don't. Again, find out what suits you best. In any case I would recommend using a skin calming treatment. I use body oil and I like it a lot. 

6. It is not said that epilated hair takes longer to grow. You need 4 weeks and epilating once a week to have all the hair epilated at least once. After that time you can see how long it takes to grow back. It might be that your hair grows quickly so you have to epilate every week while others can wait 2 weeks or even 4 weeks (life is unfair sometimes ;-))

7. I only know the epilator by brown. In Germany they give you a 100 days money-back guarantee, so you can try it out and give it back if it doesn't suit you. Check offers in your country!

This my knowledge so far. If you have any questions feel free to comment below :-) You can also contact me any time on my facebookpage:

1 Kommentar:

  1. Danke für deinen Kommentar :)
    Im Trockenshampoo sind wohl keine Silikone enthalten, allerdings Isopropyl Alcohol und Alcohol denat.
